Portraits at the Lake

November 09, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Ava & WadeChildren's Portraiture in Buford, GA by Frank Zayas Photography Ava & WadeChildren's Portraiture in Buford, GA by Frank Zayas Photography Ava & WadeChildren's Portraiture in Buford, GA by Frank Zayas Photography Ava & WadeChildren's Portraiture in Buford, GA by Frank Zayas Photography Ava & WadeChildren's Portraiture in Buford, GA by Frank Zayas Photography We had a lot of fun shooting on the shores of Lake Lanier the other day!  Ava and Wade's mom wanted some images for her holiday cards and these kids couldn't have been more fun to work with1  It was a touch-and-go shoot as the weather had been miserable for a solid week and there was no real encouraging sign that we would be able to get this done, but shortly before our appointment time the rain stopped and we were blessed with about a 45 minute window before the clouds closed back up and the rain came down again.

We were lucky on all counts because the weather also brought down a bit of fog on the lake to give some of the shots a pretty cool looking background, plus the lighting became perfect for an outdoor shoot.  I knew it would be muddy, so I brought a little chair from my studio to keep the kids off the ground and to serve as a prop.  We found a great spot on the lake and had a great time.

These were all shot with one light, my Profoto B2 with the OCF Octabox which gives a nice, soft light.  For a few of the shots of the kids sitting by the water on the rocks, the sun even cooperated by making a brief appearance, so I quickly moved the subjects around a bit to use the sun to backlight them and lit from the front with the B-2.  This is where the B-2 lights really "shine."  They are so light and mobile.  I can quickly move and adjust, even if I'm not working with an assistant.

I really do love photographing children and I hope do do more of it in the coming year.


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